Spiritual Direction with Debra

I welcome people of all faith traditions, including those who identify with no faith tradition. My training was with Hesychia School for Spiritual Direction, a program that stresses an ecumenical (universal, all-embracing, all-inclusive) approach. I amplify my training by taking workshops through Spiritual Directors International.

My practice is open and affirming.

In addition to my training in Spiritual Direction, I often draw on my training in grief recovery and the creation of ceremonies as I work with clients.

Geography need not be a limitation. Zoom sessions can be very successful. If you'd like to meet in person, I'm based in Tucson, AZ and Buena Vista, CO. I’m also often in Los Angeles. I'd love to sit down with you face-to-face.

Sessions are usually monthly (but can be more or less frequent depending on the directee's wishes) and last 50 to 60 minutes. Cost is $65 per individual session. If that cost is prohibitive for you, please contact me to discuss a sliding scale. I am happy to offer an exploratory 15-minute phone call for no charge if you’d like more information. Schedule exploratory call

I am also available for small groups, retreats, workshops, and speaking engagements (fees vary).

Current directees can schedule their next session by clicking here. Payment may be made using Venmo, Zelle, or by check. If none of those options are available to you, I can accept payment through PayPal.

Member of Spiritual Directors International


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